Saturday, April 20, 2013

Help Me Get To Europe to Spread the Gospel

The Problem:                       
            The Christian growth rate in Europeover the past 100 years is the lowest in the world. Can you believe that 400 million Europeans have never opened a Bible? What was once a great center of Christian theology and reform is now a spiritual desert. The lost in Europe must hear the gospel, and this summer, I plan to do just that.

            I have a unique opportunity to merge Missions and hip-hop in European cities! From June 7-June 22 I will travel across major cultural hubs like Poland, Amsterdam, Ireland, the United Kingdom,and France, sharing Christ. All of these places are predominately made up of atheists and are in desperate need of the gospel! Myself, along with a group of other Christian artists (The Collective group and Deejay Essence), will use the medium of hip-hop to gather crowds and openly share about salvation in Jesus.

Why hip-hop?:
            These countries are fascinated with American hip-hop, which gives us an immediate ministry platform. Hundreds will hear the Gospel as we do street evangelism, perform at free open air concerts, secular music venues,open mic nights, and cyphers. After the concerts we will engage with the audience and local hip-hop communities, sharing the gospel one on one. We cannot wait to see God do mighty things as he restores Europe!

            Here’s where you come in. Each Christian artist is responsible for raising the needed funds for his own food, housing, and travel expenses. Financially I cannot get to these countries on my own. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with me to reach lost Europeans by making a financial contribution of  $50,$100, $250, or some other amount? (no amount is too small)

How to pay?
 Check  (Mail to Stephen Brindle attn:Missions Trip 717 South Columbus Blvd Unit 403 Philadelphia PA 19147)
PayPal (send funds You can use DONATE button below.

Alongside financial partners, I need a team of prayer warriors. Please pray:

-That right now, God would begin to prepare the hearts of those we will share Christ with.
-That we would be filled with the Holy Spirit and fervent about spreading God's Truth.
-For opportunities to minister deeply to the Europeans.
-For boldness to proclaim the gospel.
-For safe travels.

Thank you for considering partnering with me in this adventure! Please inbox me if you are interested in supporting me financially or through prayer so I can give you more details about the trip. 


Stephen Brindle
Countries that are in desperate need of the gospel that we plan on sharing with. 

Some of the brothers I will be traveling with including my blood brother Timothy Brindle and Zae Da Blacksmith.